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The Biggest Do’s & Don’ts Of Buying A Car That Most Malaysians Constantly Overlook


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Source: WorkingWithGrace & TodayOnline

Buying a car is often an unavoidable part of life especially if you’re living in Malaysia. Some of us need it to travel, others need it for work, so on and so forth. But if you’ve never bought one before or haven’t bought one in a long time, there are many things to take into consideration that many often overlook. So here’s a quick rundown of the do’s and don’ts of buying a car in Malaysia in terms of:


1. How much do I need to fork out?

Man Paying Bills

DON’T: Only take into account the payment of the car

While planning to purchase a car is obviously a big deal, we often forget that payments don’t just stop at the price of the car. In terms of finances, there are many other things to take into account in the months and years to come that you own the car. Things that will cause you to spend way more than just on the monthly instalments.


DO: Calculate how much more you’ll be spending each month on the car’s instalment, insurance, maintenance, road tax, petrol, and so forth

Just like taking care of a pet, a lot of after-purchase payments need to be done, and very often, they have to be done on a monthly basis. So before you go hurrying into buying a new car, here’s a list of items you’ll need to be prepared to pay for and their rough estimates (for a local 1.3L Standard car:

  • Monthly instalment based on a 10% downpayment & 7-year loan for a RM45,000+/- priced car: RM590/month
  • Petrol: RM200/month
  • Insurance: RM1,000/year
  • Road tax: RM70/year
  • Servicing & maintenance: RM1,000/year

Still think you can afford a car? These are all just rough estimates and the actual amounts may or may not be more than the ones stated! This is also excluding toll payments, accidents, and parking fees btw!


2. When’s the best time to buy a car?

Car Showroom

DON’T: Buy during mid-year and/or when new models are being released

Newer car models may seem ideal, and so much cooler, but compared to the previous, slightly older models, there’s often not a huge difference, especially if the car was just given a simple facelift only. But even with such tiny changes here and there the price can go up by the thousands so if you want to be practical, go for the older model which, in reality, isn’t that much older.


DO: Try looking for and buying a car towards the end of the year

As we all know, the value of a car depreciates very rapidly, so most car dealerships would want to get rid of vehicles made that same year ASAP, simply because a car produced in 2020 won’t look as attractive anymore in 2021. That’s why a lot of the most attractive car promos tend to appear towards year-end, often using Christmas or the upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations as an excuse for the discounts.

Many dealerships may be trying to hit their annual sales KPI too.


3. How do I know if the car I’m test driving is good?

Asian In Car

DON’T: Only test drive the particular car model or brand you want

Because buying a car is an incredibly huge step for us, you would’ve probably (at least we hope you did) done a ton of online research before heading to the showroom to finally view the car IRL. But remember that everything you read online may not always be true and can sometimes just be biased opinions. So if you really want a fair comparison, don’t test drive the ONE car you’re interested in purchasing.


DO: Test drive a car of a different brand but with a similar model to the one you want

For example, if you’re eyeing a 2019 Honda Civic, don’t just test drive the Civic or any other similar Honda cars. Try comparing it to another car brand with a similar model like a 2019 Toyota Corolla. Test driving two different brands will give you a better gauge on what a car lacks, what’s better, and other pros and cons. Here are some things to look out for when you test drive a car:

  1. Is it comfy? Are the seats/headrests comfortable? Can you get in and out of the car easily?
  2. Is it fuel efficient?
  3. When driving on uneven roads, does it feel bumpy?
  4. What safety features does it have? (For example, a rearview camera, lane-keeping system, blindspot monitor, and so forth)


4. Where should I go to shop for the car I want?

Car Showroom

DON’T: Visit just one dealership even if it’s the HQ or largest dealership for that specific car you want

Even if it’s the dealership with the biggest showroom in Klang Valley, don’t make your decision solely on one visit only. A smart shopper should always compare prices and offers even when it comes to cars.


DO: Visit at least three dealerships to find the best prices and deals

Different dealerships will also have different salesmen (or saleswomen), who may or may not give you additional perks/special features depending on how you ask. Here are some tips to remember:

  • Ask your dealer to offer a better price or have him beat the previous dealership’s offer
  • Ask for some free stuff to be thrown in such as an additional cup holder, a free SmartTAG device, free maintenance for a longer period of time, so on and so forth
  • Remember to ask about any ongoing promotions (not all dealerships run the same promos)


With that said, there are obviously numerous do’s and don’ts that come with buying or searching for a new car, so make sure you note these down! Additionally, if you happen to be looking for a new car now or some ongoing promos, here’s one you can check out (that won’t require you to visit three dealerships :P):

Known as the Caltex Ohayo Promo, this contest is actually giving Malaysians a chance to win the ever stunning Toyota C-HR!

Phew! Don’t have to sakit kepala thinking of the monthly payments. What’s more, not one, but TWO winners will be able to stand a chance to win this lucrative Japanese car for FREE!


If you’d like to try your luck and win this car, just follow these steps and you’ll be in the running!

  1. Pump a minimum of RM40 at Caltex
  2. WhatsApp ‘CALTEX‘ to 018-2999980
  3. Follow the instructions given through WhatsApp

That’s it! Make sure you use your Caltex JOURNEY™ Card or B Infinite Card when pumping to double your chances of winning!

The best part is, IF you’re unable to win the car, you can still win other amazing all-Japan-themed prizes such as:

  • SECOND PRIZE (all-expense-paid trips to Japan with a travel period up until 31 December 2021, so no rush!)
    • 2X Hokkaido, Japan
    • 2X Tokyo, Japan
    • 2X Kyoto Japan
  • CONSOLATION PRIZES (over 90 vouchers to be given out)
    • RM500 Panasonic vouchers
    • RM500 AEON Vouchers
    • RM500 worth of petrol in your StarCash card


Looks like you have pretty good chances! And in case you didn’t know, Caltex offers premium quality fuels for motorists to ensure they can enjoy a smooth journey no matter where they’re headed. That’s right, the engine in a vehicle isn’t the only thing that ensures a car’s good performance. 

Caltex with Techron, the 5-star fuel actually works molecule by molecule to prevent deposits from forming in your engine and helps give your car:

  • Maximised power for better engine performance
  • Better fuel economy
  • Reliable performance
  • Lower emissions
  • And a smoother drive

So you really have nothing to lose when you drop by a Caltex petrol station to refuel today! But of course, with the MCO in place, only head out IF you absolutely need to, okay!

This contest ends on 15 July 2020, so you have plenty of time left! If you’d like to find out more about this Caltex promo, visit their website here and join the Caltex Ohaya Promo today!

Source: Freepik
Source: Today Online
Source: Caltex

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