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Tesla Driver Rams Motorcyclist After the Motorcyclist Smacked Their Side Mirror on M’sian Road


My Post 1 2024 05 14T142317.503
Source: President of Tired Moms' Club | Twitter

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Fighting fire with fire often leads to disastrous outcomes.

And while immediately giving someone a taste of their own aggressive medicine can be considered a compulsive human response, it’s always best for us to hold back and allow the authorities to provide proper justice.

Netizen, President of Tired Moms’ Club, took to her Twitter page to showcase footage of a Tesla driver purposefully ramming into a motorcyclist, after the motorcyclist had smacked the Tesla’s side mirror over a lane change disagreement.

Wrong 5

She wrote, “Happened this morning (May 13). The Tesla purposefully hit the motorcyclist. Why do they have to be so evil like the devil?”


In the video, the motorcyclist could be seen swerving to the side of the road as a red Tesla entered the lane with their signal on.

Wrong 6

Wrong 7

Out of frustration, the motorcyclist smacked the Tesla’s side mirror and the driver of the Tesla immediately retaliated by aggressively ramming into the motorcyclist, causing them to slam against a divider and fall onto the road.


Netizens believe that both the motorcyclist and the Tesla driver are in the wrong. 

Wrong 1

“As a result of watching this video 45 times, the motorcyclists seems to be very entitled by squeezing in here and there and even knocked people’s car. Maybe the Tesla driver was already holding on to grudges against motorcyclists for a long time. So, the conclusion is that both are wrong. There is nothing here that is right, only wrong.”

Wrong 2

“The Tesla driver is stupid too, there’s a motorcycle coming from the back and they just signaled and entered the left lane. The motorcyclist, you are the same too. They’ve already cut you off, why did you have to break the Tesla’s side mirror. The conclusion, both are in the wrong.”

Wrong 3

“Both are wrong. Why did the motorcyclist have to raise his hand to damage someone’s side mirror? And the Tesla driver couldn’t control their temper.”

Wrong 4

“So, put the both of them in jail. That is if the motorcyclist didn’t die. If they did, then this will become a different story.”


You can check out the video here

What do you think both the motorcyclist and the Tesla driver could have done differently? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: M’sians Rejoice as PDRM Officer Confronts Driver Who Tailgated Him Through Traffic Jam

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Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter
Source: Twitter

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