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Terengganu Resort Owner Fined RM25K for Organising ‘Aloha Party’ Without Approvals from Authorities


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Source: Ustaz Tok Perak | Twitter & Sinar Harian

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The owner of the private resort operating on Pulau Lang Tengah was fined RM25,000 for organising the ‘Aloha Party‘ without obtaining approvals.

According to a report by Sinar Harian, the Terengganu state Tourism, Culture, Environment and Climate Change Exco, Datuk Razali Idris shared that the compound was imposed after he held a meeting with the owner of the resort.

He explained that investigations found that the owner of the premises had committed an offense under Sub Section 6(1) of the Entertainment & Places of Entertainment Enactment 2002.

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“We found that organising parties at the resort is done almost every year and has now entered its 10th year. The activities was stopped during the Covid-19 pandemic and is now being revived.”

“What we regret is that they did not inform the stakeholders such as the authorities, the PBT and the tourism department itself, even the organisation of the activity did not get any approvals or permits,” he added.

His party has since also ordered for activities such as the ‘Aloha Party’ to be stopped immediately.

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“This resort has a license and can operate as usual, but we will instruct the PBT and other parties to monitor and investigate if there is a violation of the set rules. We will also no longer allow them to continue events like the party held recently,” he said.

He added that the resort is located in an isolated area, where activities carried out are not known to many.


Earlier this week, the poster and images from the ‘Aloha Party’ had gone viral as many questioned how a wild party with women dressed in bikini tops and sexy clothing can be held in Terengganu.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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Source: Sinar Harian

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