Conflict is an inevitable part of every relationship, be it romantic, familial, platonic, or professional relationships. Regrettably, many Malaysians lack the essential skills to resolve conflicts...
A birthday isn’t complete without a little surprise from your loved ones, and on rare occasions, those surprises don’t always go as planned. In a recent...
Malaysian content creator Mekyun recently shared a shocking encounter with another woman who requested to take photos with her. In her viral Threads post, Mekyun said...
In Malaysian society, a prevailing social stigma often discourages people from embracing solitude, mistakenly associating it with loneliness. However, many may not realize that loneliness and...
The case of Nur Farah Kartini has been making headlines since she went missing on July 10th after delivering a rental car to a customer. Just...
25 year-old student from Miri, Sarawak, Farah Kartini went out to hand over a rental car, and she never made it back. Days later, her body...
Dr. Jezamine Lim, the wife of local comedian Harith Iskander has filed for divorce at the Federal Territory Syariah Court, Kuala Lumpur. “I don’t remember the...
No couple in this world is perfect. It’s completely normal to have fights with your spouse from time to time, and it’s not uncommon for couples...
Age doesn’t matter in a relationship, as long as it’s mutually agreed between 2 happy parties. In the entertainment industry, the age gap in a marriage...
Ladies, do you have a specific figure in mind when it comes to how much your partner has to make? There’s no wrong answer, it all...
Splitting the bill is fine, as long as it’s mutually agreed and not forced upon. For couples, the gentlemen usually settle the bills but if you’re...
Should you go Dutch on the 1st date, or should the guy settle the bill? A Malaysian woman recently shared her 1st date experience that didn’t...
Relationships are all about give and take. There’s often an unspoken understanding of what each partner should contribute. However, despite calling it an “unspoken” rule, communication...
Why do people cheat in a relationship? Do they do it for the adrenaline of doing something discreetly, or the preference over someone new as time...
For many people, being in a long term relationship means that they see a future of marriage with their partner. But what if your partner is...
Everyone has their own preferences when it comes to dating and relationships. Some prioritise looks, others value personality, while some find it easier to connect with...