Cockroaches are hated and feared by many all around the world and for those who are afraid of them, they can’t bear the sight of a...
Following the horrific incident at Raj’s Banana Leaf, it seems like the pests and rodents have infested places other than restaurants as well. The Selangor and...
If you’ve been stung by an ant before, you’d know just how painful it is. Unfortunately, certain public facilities in Penang are now infested with one...
Take note, people! The deadly leptospirosis (rat urine disease) is apparently on a rise especially in the state of Johor. Yes, it can result in death! Humans often...
Ask any Malaysians what their favourite drink is and most would reply with Milo. So you could imagine the horror of this lady when she found...
Rodents are one of the most annoying pest in the food industry next to cockroaches. Recently, a picture of a gigantic rat sitting on top of...