A cute video clip has been circulating on social media recently, featuring a young Malaysian boy and his father stopping to take photos in front of...
There’s bad luck, and then there’s just plain tragedy. That’s how we’d describe the misfortunes that have plagued this young boy’s life, who is now staying...
Lately, many Malaysians have taken it upon themselves to help the nation out of the RM1 trillion debt we’ve accumulated by donating to the Tabung Harapan...
Some of us who own(ed) fishes may recall a time where we’ve overfed our beloved water-pets and unknowingly killed them. Oops. Nevertheless, after we realised what...
Malaysians all over the country have definitely heard the tragic news of the late Mohamad Thaqif Amin Mohd Gaddafi, who was badly abused by an assistant...