Art is a beautiful yet rather eccentric world to venture into. After all, art is complex, different, and extensive. As for Kelly Lim, her art is...
This is definitely one the best policies that can be implemented in schools! Not too long ago, the Sarawak St John’s Ambulance has suggested the Ministry...
Who would have ever thought we could easily rent books these days and at such low prices too? Well, with Booku‘s services, it is now possible and...
Sleeping in a king size bed can make us feel like we are some lofty royal but then when the alarm goes off, reality hits us...
It gets harder year by year to actually plan a birthday celebration. Fancy restaurant dinner? Go to the club? House party? Chill at home? Been there...
Asian efficiency is through the roof isn’t it? China is notorious for being the hugest copycat in the world and the startup scene is now shaken as Chinese...