The Miss Universe organisation has officially cancelled Miss Universe Malaysia 2023 in light of the sexual harassment accusations made by Miss Universe Indonesia contestants. This is...
The Kelantan State Government has shared that their efforts to reopen movie theaters in the state are ‘very positive’. Based on a report by Utusan, the...
The one important thing that is necessary on Malaysian roads is compromise. Compromising with other road users and giving way every once in a while can...
Malaysia’s rainforests are full of wonders, some of which are still being discovered by mankind. One of these wonders that were recently uncovered is even being...
Our parents work hard to provide the best life for us and sometimes, we never know how much they have sacrificed to keep us safe. No...
Parents will be parents, no matter what race, religion, nationality or species they are. That means, no matter what the situation is or how much of...
Earlier this Sunday (20 Jan), the nation was shocked by news of a 20-year-old college student who lost his life after his Mazda SUV fell off...