If you’re like most people, the thought of a rat infestation probably gives you the creeps. Rats aren’t exactly known for being cute or cuddly, so...
If your work requires you to deal with customers or clients, sometimes you are in for an unexpected reward for your good work! A Malaysian e-hailing...
We’ve all experienced situations where we go through tolls only to discover that our card balance is insufficient. So what do we do when that happens?...
Imagine how many stories are “pumped out” just from Taylor Swift’s show in Singapore alone. From crying out of happiness during the show to enduring contraction...
When in panic circumstances, we tend to lose control of how we react to situations. Just recently, the video of a driver hitting multiple cars in...
The road can be a dangerous place and unfortunately, it can always be a death trap regardless of how careful you are. A dashcam footage recently...
A traveller from Europe recently took to the social site Reddit to share their experience of driving in Malaysia during their two weeks here. Posting to...
“Always be careful on the road”. A reminder that our loved ones always give but sadly, accidents sometimes happen without warning, and regardless of how careful...
A heated exchange happened when this driver confronted another who drove against traffic at a one-way road near Kuala Lumpur, last Friday. The heated exchange, which...
Car accidents occur frequently on a daily basis. However, have you ever come across a situation where a car collides with a solid brick wall? In...
Day by day, more and more government officials are taking to social media, showcasing their day-to-day activities nabbing suspects who take advantage of our cheap fuel...
A personnel of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) shared a body cam footage of him helping out a Grabcar driver, who had a flat tyre in...
Not every notice that you receive from the authorities is compound. That’s according to an Abang JPJ who recently shared the consequences if you skip your...
Just yesterday, a Toyota Camry driver went viral for not making way for the ambulance on KL road and even stopped it from overtaking. Just last...
As a driver, if you’re still not making way for an ambulance when lives are at stake, you should probably have your driver’s license revoked. In...
Luxury car drivers tend to disregard road rules on Malaysian roads, causing them to have quite a reputation among the general public. Here’s an example of...