Every Malaysian twenty-something make-up enthusiast knows how expensive their makeup addiction can be. Let’s face it, none of us have the moolah to spend entirely on...
Everyone’s superwoman would have to be our own mothers. Without her, we wouldn’t be in this world and be well-brought up, right? They have always done...
Calling all makeup geeks! Have we got some amazing news for you! Rihanna, the glowing goddess of beauty herself, finally released her much anticipated beauty line,...
Firstly, yes, it was completely legal and abiding by the rules of the Miss Singapore Beauty Pageant, so please don’t be xenophobic. 🙂 Secondly, this wonderful...
Beauty trends come and go but one thing that has stuck for a while now is eyebrow embroidery. If you all don’t know what eyebrow embroidery...
We’re sure that by now you have heard of Datuk Seri Hasmiza Othman or Datuk Seri Vida, as she is popularly known and her escapades. The rags-to-riches...
Sometimes, people tend to ridicule us for pursuing the things we love. Perhaps, in their eyes, our dreams are merely a child’s fantasy. However, other people’s...
Amirul Rizwan a.k.a. Miyyo Rizone recently went viral because he looks like he’s straight out of a Japanese anime. Malaysians have been in awe of his...
No doubt, Sephora is a beauty haven for all makeup and skincare junkies out there. The only problem? You end up spending half your salary on...
It’s very unfortunate that we all live in a world that judges you based on your appearance, thus leading to a lot of people developing eating...
Our hair is our crowning glory, which can either make or break our look. While some people can carry off that cue ball look, not everyone...
As humans, we’re naturally attracted to good-looking people, what more if they have an athletic physique to boot! So if you fancy handsome guys as much as...
They say inner beauty is more important than beauty on the outside. And one girl just proved just that. A female netizen recently posted a photo of a...
It seems that another hidden beauty has surfaced on the internet and caught many netizens attention. This time, a netizen known only as John Yang from...
After moping for a week over the alleged cancellation of the live-action movie Beauty and the Beast, Malaysians could finally rejoice when it was announced that...
Falling sick is usually something everybody avoids because… who would ever want to feel unwell, right? But somehow this super hot nurse in Taiwan has got...