For those who may not know, Death Note is a manga series well-known by anime fans all around the world. It revolves around a Japanese high...
Ace Media Network Sdn. Bhd. (AMN) is thrilled to announce The Great Era of Piracy Asia Tour, which promises to be the first and largest anime-based...
Malaysian One Piece fans, assemble! The One Piece Asia Tour Exhibition is finally coming to Genting Skytropolis at the end of March! The first in Southeast...
Are you a fan of the manga and TV series One Piece? If so, go to Sungei Wang Plaza for this massive Luffy inflatable all the...
The animation industry in Malaysia has improved so much over the last 10 years and we’re so happy to see them get international recognition. We’re not...
There are so many great animes out there but the one that is ingrained in many people’s minds is Kimetsu no Yaiba (also known as Demon...
Over 1,000 anime episodes, more than 100 manga volumes, and 15 movies (so far!). Can you believe that One Piece has been pampering Malaysian fans with...
Weapons possession should not be taken lightly because they have the potential to cause deadly consequences. This was understood by policemen who recently arrested two men...
Along the years, the anime culture has been widely spread amongst Malaysians and it’s definitely a joy to see many Malaysians embracing and accepting the culture....
Do you fancy yourself as an otaku? Wanna mingle with awesome-looking cosplayers and hang out with other like-minded pop culture enthusiasts? Then do we have great...
After 2 years, the long-awaited Comic Fiesta is finally coming back at the end of the year! According to Comic Fiesta’s official Facebook post, this leading...
The recent Anime Fest in PJ mall held from 13 May till 16 May was definitely a dream come true for Anime fans who had the...
Most of the participants of the recent Anime Fest in PJ mall had the opportunity to dress up as their favourite characters but 1 of them...
Anime Fest is supposed to be a fun-filled event where people of the same interest gather and spend time together. Unfortunately, more people are sharing their...
The recent Anime Fest at a mall in PJ was a dream come true to most Anime fans but at the same time, it also received...