Parliament sessions can be real boring but sometimes they can be quite fun or even infuriating to watch.
Today’s afternoon parliament session started off a little rocky.
At about the 8-minute mark, a lot of people were trying to speak while the Arau MP Shahidan Kassim drones on and on. During his speech, Muar MP Syed Saddiq wanted to lay out his question but was ignored the first time. The second time, the Arau MP stopped and listened to what the youngling had to say. Syed Saddiq questioned:
“Does Arau agree with parties that strongly defends the actions of the minister who went to Turkey and did not abide by quarantine rules but is seen as a saviour because he went to Turkey and brought back 82 billion?”
At this time, the Baling MP Datuk Seri Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim shouted into the microphone that Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali is a saviour, and chaos ensued as Jelutong MP joined in the shouting match. The Baling MP was heard calling Syed Saddiq a “budak kecik di dalam dewan”, (translation: small boy in the Dewan). Baling MP then said that the minister had already paid his fine of RM1,000 and asked if there is still a problem.
Arau said that they were just following the law and said that Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali had done something that is good. Baling then interjected and said that as long as he paid his fine then it’s okay.

Seputeh MP then asked for further explanation stating that it was not an official trip but a private trip. The Baling MP then yelled into the microphone again and said that it was official. The speaker then stopped them and asked Arau to continue on with what he had to say.
As Arau MP was finishing up and thanking the rakyat for abiding the SOPs, Seputeh MP then sharply said:
“Except for minister?”
The Arau MP was dumbfounded and he said:
“What is this amoi talking about?”
The Jelutong and Ipoh Barat MPs then stepped up and asked if the minister abided by the SOPs. The Arau MP was frustrated and he said that “if they went against the law then we need to follow the process of the law”, he proceeded to brush off the issue.

Muar MP Syed Saddiq then took the mic and questioned the whole Dewan as to why there are two sets of law:
- Fining a minister only RM1,000 for not abiding by quarantine rules
- Fining an elderly woman RM12,000 and putting her in jail for five months when she did the same thing
Syed Saddiq then asked them to not use the excuse that the minister was on an official trip because the paperwork was not presented in Dewan. Syed Saddiq added that the minister went to Turkey with his family and said,
“Don’t try to lie in the Dewan. Don’t defend something that is wrong.”

The Arau MP tried to bring up Lim Guan Eng’s case but the speaker then asked everyone to focus on the matter at hand. Syed Saddiq tried to tell why he had to bring the issue up but the Bintulu MP said:
“He doesn’t understand it, learn first if you don’t understand.”
It’s is definitely sad to see that the people occupying the chairs in Dewan Rakyat are not able to rebut the arguments given and will resort to petty insults. Is this what our political system has come to? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Also read: Malaysians Are Ashamed As Elder Politicians Behaved Like Children While Syed Saddiq Tries To Speak