Living in Asia, we have been brought up with a certain kind of mentality that thinks that all things to do with sex are considered “dirty” or a taboo. However, things are way different compared among our Western counterparts. Case in point may well be this study on feeling yourself, literally!
A survey conducted by Univia, a skincare line, has shown that masturbation may not be that bad.
Out of the 1012 Americans surveyed, 66.7% think that masturbation is a form of self-care. It is actually the 2nd most effective form of self-care in their opinion!

Source: Univia
Other than that, 59% of frequent masturbators have a positive body image while only 51.6% of infrequent masturbators have a positive body image.

Source: Univia
They even analysed the annual earnings between the 2 groups and have found that there is $3,070 (RM12,932) difference between their annual incomes. That means frequent masturbators earn $255 (RM1,074) more than infrequent masturbators do monthly.

Source: Univia
When relating masturbation and work together, 85.3% of frequent masturbators are employed while only 75% of infrequent masturbators are employed. That’s a 10% difference!
In an even more staggering comparison, 35.9% of frequent masturbators are often in management positions while only 25% of infrequent masturbators are managers.
They deduced that the reason which might explain this is that masturbation leads to an increase in self-confidence. So you’ll be able to carry yourself better and also to face your daily work challenges better.
So if you’re not doing that well in the workplace, you know what to do. The answer is in your hand.
As with all the studies, everything should be taken with a grain of salt. All things aside, masturbation is not a bad thing at all as it is proven to reduce stress, enhance sleep quality, boost concentration, etc.
The stigma on masturbation in Asia is a little overbearing and people really need to open their minds to see it as a way to celebrate your own body. It’s a way for you to form a connection between your physical body and your mental state so don’t be afraid to love yourself as long as you’re not hurting anyone else.
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