Recently, a heartwarming and adorable video took the internet by storm when @ehhfie, a TikTok user, captured a witty yet endearing moment where his co-worker brought a full set lunch packed by his wife.
The video, which has already received a staggering 57K likes, is expected to garner even more attention in the coming days!
In the footage, @ehhfie playfully teases his co-worker about his packed lunch, exclaiming, “Wow, wife packed your lunch, huh?” The reaction from his co-worker is absolutely heartwarming. With a beaming smile, he proudly showcases the lunch bag!
But wait! As the camera zooms in on the lunch bag, something truly heart-melting is revealed. There, proudly displayed on the front of the bag, is the name ‘Ashraf’ – the name of @ehhfie’s co-worker.
Oh my goodness, it’s absolutely adorable! The sight of a grown man carrying a lunch bag with his name on it.
The lunch bag itself is a burst of colours and patterns, giving it a vibrant and playful appearance.
@ehhfie mentioned in the video “This is what it looks like, when you are married!”

Seeing Ashraf’s face light up with joy as @ehhfie makes witty and humorous comments about his lunch backpack is touching.
This delightful scene is reminiscent of childhood days when parents used to pack our lunches before heading off to school. It’s a grown-up version of that same love and care, brought to the workplace by a devoted wife.
In an interview with WORLD OF BUZZ, @ehhfie shared his thoughts on the video, saying,
“At that time, I am still single, and seeing my friend receiving the lunch bag from his wife was truly impressive!”
He further explained that his intention was not to embarrass his co-worker but rather to share something interesting on social media. He also expressed his appreciation for the generosity of his friend’s wife and how observing such acts of love and care can serve as real-life lessons.
Netizens couldn’t help but gush over the adorable lunch bag and the co-worker’s admirable actions as a husband.

“Please do an unboxing of the lunchbox; it looks amazing.”
“Please review the lunchbox!”
“The husband is good for not hiding or feeling embarrassed about the lunchbox.”
“The Smiggle bag is so cute! When I’m married, I’ll do it like this. But if my husband doesn’t flex like this, he’s done for.”
You can watch the video below.
Watch on TikTok
What do you think about this heartwarming scene? Does it resonate with you? Have you ever experienced or witnessed a similar act of love and care? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comment section below!
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