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Study Reveals Countries With Biggest Average Penis Size and Malaysia Came in Only at No.79


Collage Penis
Source: From Mars & 123RF

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Malaysians are known to be very kiasu when it comes to food. We’ll always have something to say when others talk smack about Malaysian food. But can we be as confident when it comes to penis size?

Apparently not… According to a study by online pharmacy From Mars, Malaysia performs pretty badly on the biggest penises world rankings – number 79 to be exact. 

5 The Countries With The Smallest Penises 1


We are tied with fellow ASEAN member, Vietnam at an average erect length of 11.48cm, which is about 6.82 percent of height. For comparison, an iPhone 12 mini is 13.2cm in height.

Meanwhile, topping the list of the world’s most well-endowed country is Ecuador with an average penis size of 17.61cm when erect.

Close behind Ecuador is Cameroon, at 16.67cm, and Bolivia, with 16.51cm.

7 The Average Global Penis Size 1


The rest of the world

African countries occupy the majority of the top ten, with the Netherlands being the only European country that managed to squeeze into the top at number 7.

At the same time, no nations from Asia edged their way into the ranks of the tallest, with Cambodia coming in last at 10.04cm

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Not far off is Taiwan, with an average size of 10.78cm, and the Philippines just above, with 10.85cm.

Does size matter?

Rounding off the study, Navin Khosla, the pharmacist who reviewed the study asks the question… does size really matter?

He said: “Ultimately, the answer is maybe, maybe not.”

“The truth is, that the owner of the penis is far more likely to be worried about the size of their penis than their sexual partners are!”


What do you think of Malaysia’s ranking?


Also read: 72y/o Man In Perak Gets a Ring Stuck To His Penis, Firefighters Had To Come Help Remove It

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Source: From Mars
Source: From Mars
Source: 123RF

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