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S’porean Man in Tank Top & Revealing Shorts Takes MRT Train, “Rides” Escalator’s Handrail in Supermarket


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Source: Facebook | Complaint Singapore & Facebook | Tiagong

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Some people are more “attractive” in their ways, and can easily get the attention they want (or don’t want). A man in Singapore recently got attention from the public twice on the same day but not for good reasons.

A different kind of train ride

The first incident was shared on the Facebook page on February 24, in which an unknown man was spotted in the MRT train facing the door. He was in a tank top, an excessively short pair of shorts that revealed part of his buttocks, and a pair of sports shoes.

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The person who shared the image in the social media group was equally confused, probably just like you.

“I saw this on the train just now and I was so confused.”

Confused enough yet? Here’s something else that might just elevate your confusion, because it raises more questions than answers.

Ride the… handrail?

On the same night, the Facebook page Tiagong shared a couple more images of the same man, in a similar outfit taking a ride up to another floor via the escalator, but not exactly in the way you think.

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The man “took a ride” on the handrail of the escalator at the NTUC FairPrice Supermarket in Bukit Merah.

Why? No one knows either.

To those who often visit the supermarket, rest assured that the handrail has been sanitised immediately after the incident, according to a spokesperson of the supermarket. It was also confirmed that the incident took place a day before (February 23) the images went viral.

His action to ride the handrail could easily cause injury to himself or others if he happened to hit someone else when he fell. Fortunately, no cases were reported, according to the spokesperson.

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“The safety of our customers and employees are our first priority. We are thankful that no injuries were sustained We want to ensure a safe shopping experience for everyone. “

His reasons for doing so remain a mystery that will probably never come to light. Regardless, do you think it’s appropriate for the man to dress and behave in such a way?


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