Another day, another student confession. At this point, we’re just wondering what drives the student to have this much confidence to post about themselves although anonymously.
This student who posted in UTAR confession is the latest to join this list. The student posted the confession to remind netizens to not mock their friends. “I think the phrase ‘rely on parents’ is very harsh,” the student said and that their family is not very rich and they never have to worry about food or clothes.
“I need a car to go to college. My dad bought me a Camry and a condo near my school to make it more convenient for me.
That’s when my friends asked me why don’t I earn my own money and get these for myself.”

The student retaliated by saying that although their friends were joking, the student feels a bit sad that their friends keep saying that they “rely on dad” for everything. From the students’ point of view, if they have a child, of course, they would want the best for their child as well.

However, the student added that their parents have never expected to be taken care of in their old age as they’re financially independent. No matter, the student said that after graduation, they will make sure to repay their parents for whatever they did and to make sure their friends don’t say anything more. The student also added that they haven’t even told their friends that their parents bought a condo as this will just invoke more teasing.
Spoilt…or just parents wanting their best for their children? Let us know what you think in the comments section!
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