Considering how often it floods in Malaysia these days, more and more people are looking into preventive methods to avoid damage from floodwaters entering their homes.
One of these methods is waterproof barricades at their doors.
The 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians Facebook page shared a video showcasing the barricade in action, where floodwaters were above the knee.

They wrote, “Is it real? How to get one?”

Netizens have since endorsed the method, adding that certain foreign countries implement it in bigger scales.

“This is real, western countries have many of these.”

“If it’s overseas, they use floodgates. This is the same concept but DIY-styled with thick prospects.”

“If you’ve been flooded once, then you’ll find a way to avoid your home from being flooded again. This is called progress.”
Just like how we have gotten used to the Covid-19 pandemic being our new normal, we might need to adapt to having constant floods and consider that part of the new normal too.
For those in flood-effected areas, perhaps it’s time to get these barricades installed.
You can watch the video here:
???Izit Real?! How to get one ?真的吗?! 哪里可以买到 ?
Posted by 我们是马来西亚人 We are Malaysians on Thursday, March 10, 2022
What do you think about this DIY barricade? Share your thoughts in the comment section.
Also read: WATCH: KL Condo Unit On The 19th Floor Floods After Rainwater Gushes Through Balcony Pipe