There are many ways to earn extra pocket money but prostituting yourself is definitely not the right way to do it.
A recent report by NST revealed that many local women in Kelantan are actually working as part-time prostitutes to earn more money.
These women are discovered to be mostly from the lower-income segment and they mainly target foreign workers from Bangladesh and Myanmar as their clients. Apparently, Kelantan Syarie chief prosecutor Zaini Sulaiman came to this conclusion because the state Syariah Prosecution Department has caught many local women and foreigners committing ‘khalwat’ (excessive closeness or illicit contact between persons of the opposite sex).
He said that this seemed to be the latest trend as the local prostitutes were looking for clients among the foreign workers there. One of the reasons Zaini alleges that these women chose to target foreign workers is because they are presumably attracted by the workers’ “Bollywood actor good looks.” He also explained that some of these part-time prostitutes that were caught in the act are also married.
“Based on our records, many ‘khalwat’ cases involve local women, including those who are married to local and foreign men. They were caught during operations by the state religious authorities while ‘engaged in the act’ at a few budget hotels. They normally go to budget hotels in isolated areas because they believed their activity won’t be detected,” he explained.
According to Zaini, if these women were convicted of prostituting themselves, they could be fined a maximum of RM4,000 or sentenced to jail for at least two years or both.
There have to be better ways to earn money! What do you think of this issue? Let us know in the comments section!
Also read: 14yo Malaysian Student Prostituted Herself At Least 35 Times to Afford Smartphone