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M’sian Wife With Breast Cancer Devastated to Discover Husband’s Affair With Her Own Sister


M'Sian Wife Suffering From Breast Cancer Devastated After Finding Out Husband Having Affair With Her Sister - World Of Buzz
Source: Shutterstock &KisahRumahTanggaFans

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No matter what religion and race, marriage vows have the same meaning almost everywhere. To be with your partner in sickness and in health, to support them during their hardships and to be their rock. I mean, isn’t that what marriage is about? But, imagine being ill and finding out your husband is having an affair and the person that he’s having an affair with is… family.

A post was sent to the Facebook group, Kisah Rumah Tangga Fans about the predicament of a woman who was diagnosed with breast cancer and how she found out about her husband’s infidelity.

Hide profile sya admin..Saya isteri umur 44 thn .. ade 3 org anak …bln 8 thn lpas sye diisythiarkan ade kanser…

Posted by Kisah Rumah Tangga Fans on Saturday, April 13, 2019

The 44-year-old woman said that she’s a mother of three and she was diagnosed with stage four breast cancer a mere eight months ago. Ever since then, she’s just been in and out of the hospital as she had her right breast removed and just went through 16 rounds of chemo. As of now, her cancer has sadly spread to her lungs and the doctors have already given her oxygen and painkillers.

“I know I won’t be here for long ever since I was warded. I’ve even signed a DNR( Do-not resuscitate) “

Ever since she got discharged, she’s been noticing that her husband goes missing at night, and she’s not sure how long has this been going on. She had an inkling that this might’ve been happening ever since she was warded as their daughter was the one who was taking care of her. After two weeks, she simply told her husband, she’s OK with her husband remarrying just as long as he doesn’t do it while she’s still alive, and she gets to know this mystery woman. The husband neither denied nor got angry at these allegations as he felt ‘pity’ for his ill wife.

She found this message on his phone and described how heartbroken she was to have her suspicions come true. When she tried calling the number, it was not reachable. Then, when she used her daughter’s phone, the one who answered was HER OWN SISTER! She even confirmed it as she could hear her mother talking in the back.

The woman is at crossroads now. If she confronts them, the family’s honour will be destroyed and her children’s respect and love towards their father will be completely gone. In a state of depression, she has even asked God to end her life right away as she’s ready to go.

This woman who is already battling her own struggles with her disease has another struggle with the people in her life. She’s the one feeling guilty and restless while the guilty ones are getting away scot-free. In this situation, we can only hope that this woman gets clarity of mind and a hopefully, a smooth recovery.


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