The nation was shocked by the news of a student who was chastised because they attended an online lecture with their phone.
Following that, many netizens have started sharing stories of their lecturers online.
Aira, 24, a student who had graduated from UKM’s Faculty of Social Sciences & Humanities with a degree in Media Communications, recounted a story of when she needed to finish up her thesis to graduate.
It was during the MCO in 2020 and it was her last semester in uni. At that time, her laptop decided to give up on her.

So, Aira told her lecturer, Dr Wan Amizah about how she wanted to take a break from studying until she can afford to get a new laptop.
Seeing this, Dr Wan managed to crowdfund RM300 from other lecturers to get a new laptop for her; the balance for the laptop was paid by her.
When Dr Wan made the transfer to Aira, the student asked her if this burdens her and the lecturer said,
“No worries, this is my contribution to you. Just make sure to study well.”
Aira told WORLD OF BUZZ that Dr Wan also helped to get zakat and donations from the Student Affairs Department.

The 24-year-old described Dr Wan as a lecturer who is very strict (for good reasons) but not condescending and whenever someone approaches her for help, she will gladly extend her hand.
Aira says that even though she has graduated, she still looks back and is very thankful for Dr Wan Amizah.
“With her help, I was able to get Dean’s list and I managed to graduate!”
Well, not all lecturers are equal. And speaking from personal experience, many lecturers that the writer has had before has always been helpful and encouraging.
What about you? Share your best memory with a lecturer in the comments.
Also read: UiTM To Take Action Against Lecturer Who Insulted B40 Student During Online Class in Viral Video