A lot of us who are spending our birthdays during the Covid-19 Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) are feeling considerably down as we are unable to celebrate outdoors or with friends and family like we normally would.
Though, instead of wallowing in the sadness, one Malaysian decided to show us how to turn the situation into a productive, healthy one.
Hazmi Nabil (@nazmi_nabil_) took to his Twitter page to showcase how he decided to clean up the Klang Valley by picking up litter on his birthday.
23/5/02 day aku dilahirkan. So aku nak celeb bday aku tapi tak boleh buat party ?.Instead aku try cabar diri aku untuk kutip sampah area Klang Valley selama 23 hari. It may be a small work, and I only managed to fill 3 plastic bags today. Doakan aku berjaya rakan-rakan?#day1 pic.twitter.com/CuI8lLcB1n
— Hazmi Nabil (@hazmi_nabil_) May 23, 2020
He wrote, “23 May 2002 was the day I was born. I wanted to celebrate my birthday but I couldn’t have a party. Instead, I challenged myself to pick up trash around Klang Valley for 23 days. It’s a small task as I only managed to fill up 3 plastic bags today. Please pray that I will succeed, my friends.”

“Thank you for all your support, Starting tomorrow, I will continue to clean up within the Klang Valley area up until 15 June 2020. I will keep updating this account if you want to see my journey,” he added.

Netizens had nothing but praise as his exemplary actions deserve nothing less.

This comment goes, “Happy birthday. Congratulations, brother, for doing something extraordinary as your own birthday treat. Giving instead of receiving. May Allah bless you always.”

It truly takes a bigger person to give back to their community by helping to clean up their surroundings on their birthday.
We definitely have a thing or two we can learn from how Hazmi celebrated his birthday.
Kudos, Hazmi!
What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.