I’m sure we all have made blunders before, whether it was forgetting to off the lights or sometimes, forgetting to take out the frozen chicken from the fridge for your mother!

Source: Pinterest
However, this man in Penang made a very big mistake that would cost him a lot if not for a kind stranger.
A man named Ken Lim was at Penang Hill for an event on Saturday (7th December). After he went down the hill via cable car, he found out that he lost his motorcycle keys!
He was worried that he lost his keys up in Penang Hill as he took the last cable car ride down. In a state of panic, he called his mother to bring the spare keys. Then, he went to his motorcycle and took out his helmet to wait for her when suddenly, his keys fell out from the helmet. The keys were hidden inside his helmet with a little note.
The note says,
“Please don’t forget to take your keys next time, if not, people will steal it. Remember that.”

Source: Facebook
Ken says he does not know who left the note but what he does know is that the person is someone that is very kind-hearted, and he would really like to meet them.
“Whoever you are, thank you very much. Please forgive my clumsiness and thank you for hiding my keys inside my helmet. May God bless you!”
In an effort to find his saviour, Ken posted his tale on a Facebook community group in Kuala Lumpur but it is to no avail. However, if you know of the person who did this or if you recognise the handwriting on the note, help Ken out!
Also read: “I Kept This With Me Since That Day,” Owner of Heartbreaking RM10 Note Tells Her Story