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M’sian Interracial Newlyweds Adopt Each Other’s Customs During Wedding Ceremonies


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Source: Sin Chew

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Interracial relationship is not something new in Malaysia, and while it may not have always been easy, fate always has something surprising (and beautiful) in store for those who are meant to be together. 

Just recently, an interracial couple in Miri, Sarawak tied the knot, but their love is not the only beauty that amused people. The cultural aspects that were present during the wedding reminded visitors how beautiful the world can be when everyone is united.

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The groom, Amin, who is from Selangor, and his bride, Chen adopted the traditional Chinese custom throughout the entire “welcoming” process, including serving tea to the bride’s parents, relatives and friends.

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Amin also attempted to address the relatives of his bride in Chinese, and even sang a classic Chinese song “The Moon Represents My Heart”. Not only that but the lion dance performance was also present during the wedding.

3 long years

According to an interview with Sin Chew, Chen’s mother revealed that she was not fond of her daughter’s interracial relationship in the beginning and she was not convinced about the “concept” of mixed-race marriages.

However, after inviting Amin for a stay in Miri during Chinese New Year this year, Chen’s mother was convinced that Amin is the right man for her daughter, thanks to his polite behaviour. After careful observation, Chen’s mother finally blessed the relationship.

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It took her mother 3 years to approve and bless the relationship.  

The lovebirds held the wedding back in August, following Muslim custom, and according to Chen’s parents, they’re grateful that Amin and his family have become part of Chen’s family. Despite the cultural differences, everyone gets along well.

Chen’s father also said that as long as his daughter is happy with the marriage, the cultural difference is not a huge obstacle and shouldn’t be a problem. He then expressed that unity and peace in a country can only be achieved if all religions and race integrate.

We wish nothing but the best for the newlyweds. Do you have any experience in an interracial relationship, or do you know anyone who is currently in an interracial relationship?


Also read: Netizens Amused By Malay Woman Sending Indian Neighbour To Temple & Waiting For Her To Finish Praying

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Source: Sin Chew
Source: Sin Chew
Source: Sin Chew

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