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M’sian Finds Pieces of Glass in Her Drink Bought From a Roadside Stall, Warns Others to Beware


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Source: Facebook

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The lack of food hygiene and safety being practiced at roadside stalls and certain restaurants have resulted in a number of disgusting revelations. From finding a rat’s head in your nasi kukus to finding worms wriggling on your piece of chicken from a nasi kandar shop, the list goes on and on.

In another instance of bad food hygiene and safety, a woman recently took to Facebook to warn other Malaysians to be more vigilant when buying at roadside stalls.

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In her post, she recounted how she had ended up finding tiny pieces of glass in the drinks she bought for her and her kids from a roadside stall.

“Reminder for parents of school children and sellers!!! Usually cases like this I always see on social media but yesterday it happened to me.”

“Yesterday I bought orange flavored drink and crackers at the stall in front of my children’s school as much as 4 glasses of the drink. After I finished drinking, I looked in the glass, and wondered why the ice is still not melting even though the drink is finished and that the ice looks strange in shape, it’s round and flat like that,” she wrote.

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She said that when she properly looked inside the glass, she then realised that it was actually glass fragments which she has swallowed as she thought it was simply ice. To make matters worse, her kids had also drunk the same drinks which also contained glass fragments.

“The seller is careless. I’m already feeling this crazy trauma, even looking at ice, I feel scared. And now I’m thinking about the kids who also buy from the store. I’m afraid that someone won’t see it and that they will end up with internal bleeding.”

She concluded the post by praying that nothing has happened to her and her kids and that she will be bringing them for a checkup to check their organs since they are still young.


We hope that nothing serious happens to the her and her kids. 


Also read: Man Is Horrified To Find Wriggling Worm On His Chicken From Nasi Kandar Restaurant in Penang

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Source: Facebook
Source: Facebook

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