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M’sian Eatery Faces Boycott After FB Wrongly Translates ‘Chee Cheong Fun’ to ‘early-flavored pork sausage powder’


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Source: BiBi's Popiah | Facebook

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Following the Pork Nasi Kandar incident recently, many restaurant owners have been on edge while wondering whether they’d be the next to endure controversy.

One eatery is facing backlash and calls for a boycott over Facebook’s sometimes wonky translation tool, which insinuated that they serve pork. But, they were quick to point out the real issue.

BiBi’s Popiah took to their Facebook page to share a statement explaining how Facebook’s translation tool had wrongly translated the dish ‘Chee Cheong Fun‘ to ‘early-flavored pork sausage powder‘, which led many to believe that their eatery had served pork.

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They wrote, “BiBi’s Popiah firmly and formally asserts that the recent misconception regarding the nomenclature ‘Chee Cheong Fun’ is rooted in inaccuracies within Facebook’s automated translation, compounded by other words that were notably poorly rendered.”

“When dissected, the individual translations of ‘Chee’, ‘Cheong’ and ‘Fun’ erroneously suggests the presence of pork sausage powder, causing misinterpretation on social media platforms. It is imperative to clarify that ‘Chee Cheong Fun’ specifically characterizes the structure of rice noodle rolls and does not insinuate the inclusion of pork powder or any prohibited elements.”


They went on to assure customers that their food does not contain non-Halal items such as pork or alcohol.

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“We affirm our commitment of complete exclusion of ingredients that include pork or alcohol. Should you require further clarification on this matter, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience. We sincerely appreciate your understanding and continued support,” they added.


Who knew that even translations could cause controversy!

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


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