It’s inevitable to feel afraid of contracting the newly discovered Wuhan coronavirus. Even with the current situation in Malaysia, we don’t actually have to worry too much about the virus, especially when the confirmed and suspected cases are being meticulously handled by our hospitals and government.
A Malaysian doctor who is known as Dr Eugene Chooi gave his two cents regarding the alarming issue in Malaysia. He said Malaysians should be more worried about Influenza A (H1N1) and dengue. He supported his views by mentioning the existing Influenza A outbreaks before novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) invaded Malaysia, and we shouldn’t be too distracted by it when more people in our country are being affected by Influenza A.

Source: Astro Awani
Although Influenza A cases have gone down during the school holidays, he also expressed his worries about how it may soon increase as children are returning to school after the holidays.

Source: The Star
Dr Eugene also reminded everyone to properly dispose of their surgical masks to avoid breeding of mosquitos since more people are using the masks lately, and littering will definitely happen which we all should already know, will increases chances of the breeding of Aedes mosquitos.

Source: The Star
Both Influenza A and dengue have much higher occurences than novel coronavirus in Malaysia. Although the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that the Wuhan virus outbreak is now a global emergency, at this moment, the doctor believed that we’re more susceptible to contracting dengue and Influenza A here in Malaysia.
“I think everyone should have faith in our Ministry of Health, because our ministers, deputy ministers, as well as the director-general, are all professionals. Let’s not panic, and also believe in our medical team and government as they’ll be able to handle this case.”
We understand that many of us fear the Wuhan virus because there’s still no cure so far, but it’s also important to keep ourselves updated with the right information and not to be misled by circulating fake news and speculations.
Also read: 49yo Man Cured of Wuhan Virus Had To Drink 25 Litres of Water A DAY To Relieve Virus Symptoms