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M’sian Crocodile Handler Shares Dangerous Task of Collecting Eggs & Gets Charged at Multiple Times


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Source: TikTok | bangbuya

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While one may argue that every person has their own individual challenges at work, there are, objectively, some jobs that are harder than others. So the next time you’re having challenges in your corporate environment, just remember, you don’t have to handle crocodiles for a living. 

Malaysian crocodile handler who goes simply by Bang Buya has been making waves online for his experiences working at the Melaka Crocodile and Recreational Park, where he sees various species of the animal and documents it on his TikTok page @bangbuya_. However, a recent clip posted by the man has been making waves online after he took on a pretty intimidating task.

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In the three-minute clip, Bang Buya shared his skilful and methodical ways of attempting to gather crocodile eggs from an enclosure in the park. Getting low and close to the sandy ground, Bang Buya stays still as one crocodile approaches him, just inches away from his face.

After a few seconds, the animal moves towards him before Bang Buya gets up and moves away – just in time before it charges towards him. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, Bang Buya explained to viewers that he would be changing his position in the enclosure, so as to aid him in his movement when collecting the eggs, all without attracting attention from the crocodile.

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Picking one egg from a bucket that he successfully collected, the crocodile then charged towards Bang Buya once more, before he got up and walked away once more. After switching to a different position, Bang Buya then began to dig through a pile of sand to find more eggs, with a stick and bucket by his side.

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After a minute, the intelligent crocodile realises Bang Buya’s plan and turns around to charge at him for a third time. Moving away quickly, Bang Buya accidentally left his stick and bucket on the ground, which was now close to where the crocodile was. Inching towards the croc, Bang Buya eventually manages to get his stick, using it to gently pick his bucket up before making a quick dash away.

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“Today is quite extreme! I’m not sure where exactly it hid the eggs in the sand. We only managed to get one, and our friend over there, hasn’t even blinked!” said Bang Buya to his camera before the video officially concluded.

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Praising Bang Buya for his immense bravery, many individuals took to the comments section and began comparing him to Steve Irwin, with one user saying that he was carrying out a mission impossible.

“You must have a really high salary brother, probably comparative to that of those in the oil and gas industry,” wrote one user.

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On the other hand, multiple users also stated how scared they were while watching the video, adding that they were holding their breath through the video.

“Oh, my goodness brother… I was holding my breath the entire time!” penned another user.

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Watch the full TikTok video below:


Operasi telur buaya, part-3 edisi 2024 #bangbuya #gengbuya #teambuya #bangbuyatalk #bangbuyalive #jkkj #janganlupaselawat

♬ original sound – Bangbuya – Bangbuya

In the pursuit of a career that many would not charter towards, we tip our hats to Bang Buya and his bravery when approaching these potentially deadly creatures. All the best abang! 


Also read: Local Residents Shocked After Crocodiles Were Spotted Sunbathing at a River in Subang Jaya

Feat Image Crocodile Usj

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