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M’sian Celebrity Chef Called Out Over Racial Thaipusam Comment on Aishwarya Rai’s Dress at Cannes


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Source: NDTV & Namaste Bollywood | Instagram

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We often hold celebrities to higher standards due to them having a much bigger platform to spread their influence.

So, when a local celebrity uses their platform to share racial statements, you can only imagine the backlash they’ll receive.

A very famous Malaysian celebrity chef is now coming under fire for something he said on Instagram, when commenting on a post about Indian actress, Aishwarya Rai. The post, shared by the Namaste Bollywood Instagram page, asked netizens about their opinions on the actress’s outfit at the Cannes Film Festival 2024 in France.

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Namaste Bollywood wrote, “First thought that comes to mind when you see the gracious Aishwarya Rai?”


While other shared their opinions on the actress’s striking outfit, the celebrity chef decided to make a comment that hit close to home (and not in a good way).

She’s carrying (a) Kavadi on herself (while) heading to Batu Caves (for the) Thaipusam ceremony,” he commented on the post. He also included a laughing emoji.


Oh, hell naw

This rubbed many the wrong way as they felt that it was absolutely unnecessary to bring Thaipusam (which is an Indian religious festival) into the narrative, especially in a mocking manner.

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It is truly saddening to know that someone who is looked up to by so many, would choose not to think because saying such a rude thing on social media.

What do you think of the celebrity chef’s comment? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: M’sian Celeb Praised for ‘Handling’ Loud Chinese Tourists by Having Hilarious Conversation with Them in BM!

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