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Mat Sabu: Govt Planning to ‘Patent’ Musang King Durian So That World Knows That It’s a M’sian Product


Feat Image Musang King
Source: The Star & Time News

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You don’t need to be a durian lover to know that Musang King or Mao Shan Wang which originates from Malaysia is one of the most sought-after varieties of durian, thanks to its buttery, thick, bright yellow flesh and robust flavour.

In fact, the durian variety is so popular in China, where demand has skyrocketed for Musang King, that other countries such as Vietnam have begun opening Musang King durian farms to export to China.


Malaysia plans to ‘patent’ Musang King

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For illustration purposes

With that in mind, the Malaysian Agriculture and Food Security Ministry is concerned that maybe those overseas wouldn’t know that Musang King originated from our country.

Hence, its Minister, Datuk Seri Mohamad Sabu asserted that the Government is planning to ‘patent’ Musang King as a Malaysian product. 

As reported by The Straits Times, Mat Sabu during a press conference yesterday stressed that Musang King “must be recognised as a Malaysian product because it is getting popular, particularly in China,”.

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Datuk seri mohamad sabu


Accordingly, the Agriculture Minister revealed that the Agriculture Department and its international trade unit will initiate a move to patent the Musang King soon.


Malaysia will export fresh durians to China in the coming months

The report further shared that Malaysia is expected to export fresh durians to China in the next few months after only being able to export durian paste, pulp and frozen whole durians to the country.

The change is thanks to the signing of a series of memorandums of understanding (MoUs) between Malaysia and China during Chinese Premier Li Qiang’s official visit to Putrajaya.

This would further increase Malaysia’s income from durian export as for reference, our country exported RM1.14 BILLION worth of durian in 2022.

Local Durian Prices Down By Almost 50% Due To Coronavirus Outbreak In China - World Of Buzz 2

Source: nst

So, what do you guys think of the Agriculture Minister’s statement? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


Also read: WATCH: Opah Uses Fancy Drones to Manage Her Durian Orchard in Perak

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Source: The Star

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