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Malaysian Mother Breaks Down in Tears After Accidentally Spilling Her Breast Milk


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Source: Syukri Shahdan

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In case you don’t know, motherhood is HARD! It not only takes a toll on you physically but mentally and emotionally as well. This dad and husband, Syukri Shahdan posted on Facebook about his wife who couldn’t hold back her tears after she accidentally spilt her breast milk.

In the post, he was curious if this was common or is it just his wife? He added that he pities his wife who worked so hard to produce milk for their child.

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His wife was so emotionally broken that she just sat down by the door crying helplessly. Speaking to Noodou, Syukri said that his wife, Nadia is 30-years-old while their daughter is just eight-months-old.

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Syukri said that he was surprised when he saw his wife crying and trying to clean the breast milk helplessly which is what led to him asking if this is something all mothers go through. He added a disclaimer saying that he apologises if anyone is uncomfortable by the post.

No one should be, breastfeeding is a natural process!

“I’m a husband that really supports breast feeding and I always help my wife to take care of our baby and store her milk. I always kid around with my wife, anyone who knows us are familiar with how we are.”

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The post has garnered over 1.4K shares with most netizens touched by his wife’s love and dedication but some were also quick to comment saying that Syukri is not a helpful husband.

In a YouTube video, Syukri clarified that his wife has always been emotional and just moments before the incident, she saw a sad couple which already made her feel down. He also added that he didn’t expect his post to go viral at all. His intention was merely to capture the touching candid moment.

A silver lining from the situation is that Syukri even said that several companies reached out to him and offered them gifts!

A mother’s love truly knows no bounds. We hope their daughter grows up and sees this post and remembers how much her mother cried over split milk all for her beloved child.


Also read: Kelantan Doctor Selflessly Supplies Breastmilk For Baby After Mother Went Into A Coma

Kelantan Doctor Takes Over Breastfeeding Duties After Baby's Mother Went Into A Coma - World Of Buzz 3

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