When you’re ill, one concern can be the medical bill at the clinic or hospital, especially when you’re tight on budget.
In his Facebook post, UMNO Youth Chief Dr Akmal Saleh assured the patients who visited his clinic in Merlimau, Malacca, and promised them one thing – don’t worry about the bill if you can’t afford it now.
Yes, Dr Akmal said patients who cannot afford the medical bill at his clinic can opt to pay later.

“If you’re embarassed to owe, please come to me and tell me. I can give you free treatment,” the man said in his post.
Dr Akmal shared a screenshot of the conversation he had with a patient who suffered some pain in his arm and asked if he could pay the bill after receiving his salary on the 30th.
“Yes, you can. Please come to the clinic,” Dr Akmal responded.

He explained that he had experienced tough times when he was younger, so he understood the situation of some people, and today, he’s merely sharing what he has with the people who cannot afford some luxury.
“Your health matters, and it’s important to keep yourself healthy,” Dr Akmal remarked at the end of his post.
To those in the medical sector, do you see yourself sharing the same generosity as Dr. Akmal?
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