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Football Fans Turned Cheras into a Warzone After KL City Lost to JDT Over the Weekend


My Post 1 2024 05 27T155058.872
Source: Fr7 Reborn | YouTube

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What do Malaysian football fans do when the team they’re supporting losses a match? They riot, of course.

We’ve seen time and time again how Malaysian football fans turn stadiums and the surrounding areas into warzones after their favourite team losses a match. And, last weekend was no exception.

The Fr7 Reborn YouTube page recently shared footage from after the match between Kuala Lumpur City (KL City) take on Johor Darul Ta’zim (JDT) at the Cheras Stadium on Saturday (May 25), where a major riot took place outside of the stadium after KL City had lost to JDT.

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In the video, people were apparently throwing flares and stones at each other at the traffic intersection outside of the stadium. Honestly, the place looked eerily like a warzone. 

A netizen even pointed out that their car had been damaged from people throwing things at each other in the riot.

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“Both parties are in the wrong! They involved the general public in their fight, until a window of my car had broken from people throwing stones in the incident last night (May 25).”


According to a report by Sinar Harian, the police are now on the hunt for those who caused the riot after the football match.

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“The result of investigations found that a group of supporters who came out of the stadium had thrown objects and firecrackers outside the stadium.”

“We have also received a report regarding the incident of a broken car window from a man, an investigation paper has been opened according to Section 427 of the Penal Code, shared Cheras District Police Chief, Assistant Commissioner Ravindar Singh Sarban Singh.

Efforts to track down all suspects involved are underway.


You can check out the video here.

What do you think the authorities can do to prevent such riots from happening, especially so frequently? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Juventus FC is Having Fun on TikTok by Making Videos Using Famous Malaysian Songs!

My Post 3 2024 05 16T110232.068

Source: Fr7 Reborn
Source: YouTube
Source: Fr7 Reborn

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