Ustaz Ebit Lew has always been known to be a selfless humanitarian who helps the underprivileged in Malaysia.
And now, he’s taken his charity work beyond borders.
He took to his Facebook page to showcase his humanitarian mission in South Africa, where he decided to rebuild the burnt down houses of 16 Zulu families.

He wrote, “It’s heartbreaking to see how they are tested. I will build 16 houses for 16 Zulu families. These families had their huts/small houses burnt down. They sleep on the ground. Some of their lives are just too hard. It’s saddening. I immediately bought the necessary items for the construction such as doors, windows, zinc and others.”
“They were shocked when I said I would help them rebuild these 16 houses. They were overjoyed.”

“We don’t expect that when we sleep soundly, there is someone out there who has to put their child to sleep by the side of the road, on the ground. They applauded and did not stop saying ‘God bless you, brother’. May this be a cause for goodness.”
There are people who are struggling all over the world, with certain places and communities not receiving the attention they need and deserve.
It’s truly great to see how one Malaysian can bring so much relief and joy to a community that needs all the help they can get.
We genuinely hope that this opens more eyes to the possibility of helping others across borders, just as much as we help those that we call our own.
What do you think about this? Let us know in the comment section.
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