In the wake of Telegram groups like V2K getting exposed, it’s sad to know that there are predators just about everywhere and women are feeling less safe by the minute. Just when we think that justice will be served when these predators are getting exposed and reported to the police, an incident that happened to this woman shows just how unsafe women are out there.
Jane* (name changed for privacy purposes) shared on her Instagram page about her experience at Muze Cafe & Bar, Klang two nights ago. She said that due to the whole V2K issue, she was already feeling paranoid to leave her house. She was reluctant to use the toilet but she really had to go and so around 9.15 pm, she visited the restroom. Even when she entered the restroom, she looked around for a good ten minutes to make sure there weren’t any hidden cameras.
Just as she sat on the toilet seat, she happened to look up and imagine her shock when she saw a guy peeping at her! Despite her shock, Jane knew she had to scream and quickly zipped her pants to go after the guy. As she was shouting at him, the guy (who was drunk) pointed at his friend and tried to put the blame on him but Jane knew who she saw.
“The boss who was nearby, quickly came out and said it was just a misunderstanding and wanted to sweep the whole thing under the rug. Their explanation was that the guy’s friend went missing hence why he was looking and even peeped!”
This obviously angered Jane and her friends more as the explanation didn’t make sense and the management treated it so nonchalantly. When her friend said she wanted to call the police, the manager actually asked them to leave the premises and to settle it among themselves.
Jane said that at that moment she felt so embarrassed and she knew that even if she made a police report, no action will be taken. She was afraid of even making a report due to the fear of victim-blaming.
“The boss and the guy will go through their life as if nothing happened but I will remember this traumatic day for the rest of my life.”
Jane added that the boss tried asking her to stay and wanted to “treat” her while asking them to be “friends”. However, Jane felt too anxious and just wanted to leave the place. She ended her post hoping that Malaysians won’t take this matter lightly as it’s NOT OK.
Sharing with WORLD OF BUZZ, Jane thankfully lodged a police report with CCTV footage provided by Mezu Cafe & Bar and shared with us some of the things the police inspector said yesterday. The inspector that handled her case told her that no matter WHO told her not to report, she should still lodge a report as at the end of the day, the report is under her name and the police will look for her if they want further information.
Thus, she will be responsible for her statement and doesn’t need to be afraid of the manager trying to protect his business. Jane also shared that women in a similar situation can reach out to All Women’s Action Society (AWAM) Malaysia as they will provide counselling and will guide you in what steps you should take. They also provide free counselling if you feel like you need them after your traumatic experience. AWAM has also helped in accompanying victims of the V2K group in lodging a police report today.
We reached out to Mezu Cafe & Bar for their statement on the issue. They began by expressing their deepest regret to Jane for the incident that she has encountered in their premises.
They admitted that the bar manager did not handle the issue properly and promised to conduct an internal review on this matter and give the public an explanation. MUZE added that they have contacted both parties to understand the situation better and reassured that they’re not trying to dodge any responsibilities.
“Our company is not trying to dodge any responsibilities. We promise to take full responsibility for the rare mistake and we guarantee that such incidents will not occur in the future.”
The bar also reached out to Jane for a personal apology and promised her justice.
Ladies, if you find yourself in a similar situation, please do not hesitate to lodge a police report against the perpetrators. If the V2K issue has taught us anything, it’s time we stop letting perverts walk away for their heinous crimes.
Also read: Victims of V2K Telegram Group & AWAM To Lodge Police Report Against Perpetrators Today