It was the end for Bella Astillah and Aliff Aziz as the pair is now officially no longer part of each other’s lives. Nothing else to say, and nothing else to fight for.
All Bella wants is to just be with her kids, and all Aliff wants is to focus on saving his career. The last person caught with Aliff, Ruhainies on the other hand, had a teaser to share with her followers. In her IG post today @ruhainies7 (June 18), Ruhainies promoted her upcoming drama but with double entendre.
“Full of plot twists, so trust NO ONE”
In her IG post, Ruhainies promoted Terjerat (Trapped) which will air on June 26. Ruhainies dubbed the drama as deep and meaningful and almost resembles recent happenings, which she did not clearly state what (but we can probably guess!)
Ruhainies, who is also Bella’s ex-best friend said the emotional drama is just like real life – full of plot twists.
“Don’t trust anyone and don’t jump into conclusions too soon. Life is full of plot twists and not everything you see is real.”
But what about the stories told by Bella Astillah, Aliff Aziz, and others? To Ruhainies, sometimes what the eyes can perceive is not necessary real.
“Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”

The comment sections, however, had been locked.
Earlier, Bella Astillah announced that she was officially divorced, and “thanked” Ruhainies for breaking the family apart, making her children now living without a father figure.
With Ruhainies claiming that life is full of plot twists and not everything may be true, what do you think of these connections?