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Do You Have Bacterial Plaque? Here’s How to Check in 3 Seconds & the Best Way to Remove It


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Source: 123RF & WOB

One of the most common problems with oral health is the formation of bacterial plaque on your teeth. Bacterial plaque can occur if you don’t have a proper oral care routine, which is why we’re going to tell you how you can spot it and what you can do to get rid of it. Just read on to find out more!


Do you have bacterial plaque? Here’s how to spot it in just 3 seconds

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Bacterial plaque is a sticky film that usually forms around your gum and teeth as a result of bacteria build-up. This plaque is made up of billions of bacteria and is commonly caused by leftover food particles in the teeth. This means that if you like to snack throughout the day and don’t brush your teeth properly, you’ll be more susceptible to bacterial plaque.

If bacterial plaque is not removed properly, it can cause serious dental issues including bad breath, gum issues and oral health problems. Here’s how you can easily identify plaque in just 3 seconds:

  • Using your tongue: Run your tongue over your teeth. If you can feel any icky or furry texture around your teeth, that’s bacterial plaque.
  • Using your finger: Use your finger to scratch your teeth. If you pick up any yellow residue, that is bacterial plaque.

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Get rid of bacterial plaque with this at-home routine recommended by an Oral Care Expert!

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Now that you know what bacterial plaque is, you’re probably wondering if there are ways to get rid of it. Fret not, we’ve got some helpful tips from an oral care expert!

WORLD OF BUZZ had the chance to attend Colgate Malaysia’s roadshow event in collaboration with Guardian at Sunway Velocity on Saturday, 2nd of March 2024. The highlight of the event was the Oral Care Talk where we had a chance to listen to an insightful discussion between Leh Hui Xin, an oral care expert, and Vanessa Chong, a health and wellness content creator.

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Hui Xin explained what bacterial plaque is and taught the audience how they can spot bacterial plaque in their mouths. She went on to remind the audience of a few important oral care tips which include:

  1. Establishing a proper oral care routine including brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing regularly and using mouthwash.
  2. Going to the dentist regularly (at least once every six months) and not only when your teeth are hurting.
  3. Choosing the right toothpaste based on your individual needs.

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If you are looking for a toothpaste that can fight bacterial plaque but you’re not sure which one to go for, you might want to check this out…

The new Colgate Total Plaque Release toothpaste can now help Malaysians say bye-bye to bacterial plaque and hello to stronger gums!

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Thanks to its superior formula, this toothpaste is formulated to fight bacterial plaque 3X harder for stronger gums with the help of these ingredients:

  • Amino Foam – This ingredient creates small, dense bubbles that will thoroughly clean your teeth and leave your mouth feeling squeaky clean after every brush.
  • Zinc Minerals – The zinc minerals will fortify your gum health and prevent future plaque build-up.

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Available in two refreshing flavoursGentle Fragrant Mint and Reviving Cool Mint – the toothpaste will keep you feeling fresh and help you achieve stronger gums.

Apart from the talk, the event also managed to attract a huge audience thanks to the fun activities, exciting lucky draw prizes and the wide selection of Colgate products with attractive promotions! Just check out this video to see all the fun that we had at the event:


Interested to try out Colgate Total Plaque Release to see its effectiveness for yourself? Simply visit any nearby stores or shop online via Colgate’s Official Stores on Lazada and Shopee to get your hands on Colgate Total Plaque Release. For more information, visit Colgate Malaysia’s pages on Instagram and Facebook to get their latest updates!


Source: Pexels
Source: Drazen Zigic

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