Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri, just announced that customers should ask barbers or hairdressers, who are foreigners, to show proof of being tested negative for Covid-19 before proceeding with the service.

In the live press conference held this afternoon (12th June), the minister said, “hairdressers who are foreigners know that they can only proceed operations if their Covid-19 tests come back negative. Proof of these test results can be found in clinics as doctors will usually give their patients a letter after the test is conducted as evidence that they are Covid-19 free.”
The minister added that failure to present this proof could lead to action taken by the National Security Council. “If the hairdressers refuse to show you this proof, you can alert the National Security Council so further action can be taken against them.”
Ismail Sabri went on to add that it was not only a customer’s right to request for this proof, they should insist on it.

“In fact, I urge all customers to insist on being shown this letter of proof and alert authorities immediately if these hairdressers do not have the necessary documents” as this would help the government identify those who are defying the SOPs specified for the operation of this industry, said the minister.
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