Many beggars from all around the world tend to use babies and children to garner sympathy from the general public who will then more likely donate money to them.
But, will that money be used to take care of the minors?
The MYNEWSHUB Twitter page recently shared a distressing image of a baby being left lying on a dirty sidewalk as the baby’s apparent parents sit nearby while allegedly begging for money in Tawau, Sabah. The parents are also believed to be drug addicts.
They wrote, “Do you see what I see? As long as they are people who give them face (donate to them), then that’s how long there will be people like this all over Tawau. Pity the baby, having been born only to be raised to be a beggar. And what makes this more horrifying is that the money donated is used to buy drugs.”
They went on to encourage people to stop giving money to beggars.
In the image shown, the baby can be seen lying directly on the dirty sidewalk with their bottle lying next to them.
“Did you know, that people who beg and turn it into a job, is a forbidden thing in Islam? And if that’s the case, we who provide them with alms, what is the reward for our sins?”
“Stop giving them money. We should be smarter.”
While we understand that there are beggars out there who are down and out of luck and truly need help to get back on their feet, these beggars who treat babies with such disregard shouldn’t be entertained and instead should be brought to justice.
What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.
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