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IG-worthy Spot Gets Trashed by Irresponsible M’sians Who Threw a Birthday Party


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Source: TikTok

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Taking to TikTok, this netizen advised visitors with a low-class mentality NOT to visit Pokok Durian Tunggal, Sekinchan, after a group of birthday celebrations ended up with the place trashed and left it in ruins.

“I can’t understand how some people want perfect pictures taken, yet, do not possess the civic-mindedness to keep the area clean and well-maintained,” said the TikToker.

“What if villagers decided to barricade the area or begin charging all of us to get our pictures taken?”

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Netizens taking to the comments section are currently on the lookout for those who did it in the first place in hopes that they’ll be punished for their irresponsible actions.


Come on guys, it is not hard to throw away and keep places like this clean for everybody else, right?


Also read: WATCH: Taiwanese Parliament Member Runs Away With Bill to Prevent it From Being Passed

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Source: TikTok

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