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Cannot Tahan the Heatwave, Thai People Conduct Rain-Making Ceremony with Doraemon Doll!


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Source: yammi | Twitter

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It’s no secret that Malaysians have been severely suffering through an intense heatwave. Well, it appears that people in neighbouring countries are also feeling the wrath of the sun.

So much so, that people in Thailand are taking matters into their own hands by attempting to summon some rain!

Netizen, yammi, took to his Twitter page to share how a community of Thai people conducted a rain-making ceremony, though they decided that avoid animal cruelty by refusing to use a real cat in the ceremony. Instead, they replaced the cat with various dolls including a Doraemon one!

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He wrote, “With no rain for several months in many areas of Thailand and a record breaking heatwave, a rain-making ceremony was held. Traditionally, a real cat would be used but it seems the locals decided on Doraemon instead, a modern twist against animal cruelty.”


No cats are harmed in the rain-making ceremony

The ceremony later drew the attention of news platforms, which explained that female cats are traditionally used.

He also went on to share that the cats are NEVER physically harmed in the ceremony.

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“Thailand is taking this news very seriously. There is concern over the legitimacy of the rain dance, it is said that the tradition requires a female cat, however, Doraemon is a male cat.”

“For clarification, cats were never sacrificed in Thailand’s rain dance tradition but were instead placed in cages where they were paraded around and splashed with water. The intent was never to harm them but to invoke rain symbolically. The practice has, of course, evolved,” yummi said, adding that different regions require different breeds of cats.


You can check out the rain-making ceremony here

Considering the horrific heatwave we’re enduring too, do you think this will work in Malaysia? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Pahang Sultan Calls for Prayers for Rain After El Nino Leaves Sungai Pahang Dried Up, AND IT WORKED!

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Source: yammi
Source: yammi
Source: yammi

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