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9 Chinese New Year Modern Traditions Millennials or Cultural Buffs Will Appreciate, for a Change


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Source: 123RF & Pinterest | Michelle & South China Morning Post

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The New Year celebration is centred around removing the bad and the old, and welcoming the new and the good. However, it’s unfortunate that many traditional Chinese New Year traditions are gradually fading away.

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But being someone who appreciates culture doesn’t mean you can’t also embrace and enjoy the modern adaptations of Chinese New Year traditions, right? So here are 9 Chinese New Year modern traditions that millennials or cultural buffs like yourself might appreciate, for a change!


1. Virtual Red Envelope Exchanges

Millennials are embracing technology to modernise traditional customs, including the practice of giving red envelopes (hongbao) during Chinese New Year.

Thanks to digital payment apps, you can now send virtual red envelopes, complete with personalised messages and festive elements, making it easier to connect and share blessings with loved ones, regardless of distance. ?

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2. Creating Chinese New Year TikTok Videos

One modern tradition that could be embraced by millennials during Chinese New Year involves creating and sharing TikTok videos. These short, entertaining clips often feature festive themes, such as traditional decorations, family gatherings, or holiday rituals, but are presented in a fun and creative way.

By capturing and sharing the celebrations on TikTok, you can easily connect with friends and family, and share cultural experiences. ??

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3. Virtual Paper Cutting, Lantern Making or Calligraphy Workshops

Taking part in virtual workshops on traditional Chinese crafts such as paper cutting, lantern making, or calligraphy has become a modern tradition for celebrating Chinese New Year. ?

Thanks to online platforms, millennials can now learn and practice these ancient arts, preserving cultural heritage while embracing contemporary methods of learning and participation, all from the comfort of your own home.

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4. Virtual Feng Shui to Optimise Home Energy for the New Year

One modern tradition during Chinese New Year is engaging in virtual feng shui consultations to spruce up home energy for the new year.

Using online platforms and virtual meetings, millenials can chat with feng shui experts to tweak furniture arrangements, add decor touches, and make changes to their living spaces. It’s all about boosting positive vibes and inviting good luck into your homes for the year ahead.

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5. Eco-Friendly Chinese New Year Decoration

Rather than going for disposable or plastic decorations, millennials could go for sustainable alternatives made from recycled materials or natural elements. These eco-friendly decorations not only cut down on waste but also add to a greener celebration, aligning with the values of environmental sustainability and conscious living.

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6. Virtual Cookie-Baking Class

Participating in online cookie baking classes offers millennials an opportunity to stay keep up with the latest baking techniques instead of sticking to just the old-school methods. ?

These classes offer a space to pick up new recipes, learn new decorating tricks, and get some handy time-saving hacks. It means you can whip up some seriously tasty and original treats to share with loved ones over the festive period.

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7. LED Firecracker

A modern tradition for Chinese New Year involves swapping out old-school firecrackers for eco-friendly options like LED lights in your decorations. With LED lights, you still get that awesome colourful vibe, but without the environmental downside or safety worries.

This modern twist not only helps the planet but also gives a fresh feel to the age-old celebrations. ?


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8. Plant-Based Lunar New Year Feasts

Millennials may love plant-based Lunar New Year feasts or potluck gatherings, offering vegan or vegetarian alternatives to traditional meat-heavy dishes.

Going for plant-based options not only promotes wellness but also sustainability, as it cuts down on meat consumption. These plant-powered Lunar New Year get-togethers encourage healthier choices while doing a bit for the planet. ?


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9. Digital Scrapbooking

It’s about time millennials ditch traditional scrapbooking for digital platforms and apps to create photo albums and scrapbooks, preserving Chinese New Year memories with ease.

These digital tools lets you compile photos, videos, and stories, personalize their collections, and easily share moments with loved ones, all without the need for physical materials.

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Whether old or new, there are numerous Chinese New Year traditions that you should familiarise yourself with for a new, prosperous year ahead.

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What better way to celebrate than to try out new ones, right? And that’s all from us, folks! We hope that everyone has a great and safe year ahead! ?


Also read: “The Great Race” – Here’s Why Every Chinese New Year is Represented by 1 of 12 Different Animals


Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF
Source: 123RF

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