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M’sian Man Randomly Arrested by AADK & Kept in Lockup Overnight, Found to be Completely Innocent


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Source: Syaida Ilmuna | Twitter

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Imagine the terror a family would feel upon finding out their fellow family member had gone missing, only to discover that the loved one had endured a horrific situation at the hands of the law.

That’s the unfortunate situation a Malaysian family is currently experiencing.

The victim’s sister, Syaida Ilmuna, took to her Twitter page to share how after her brother had gone missing for a whole day, she and her family had found him after he was released from the detention of the National Anti Drug Agency (AADK) despite him being innocent.

Syaida 1

Syaida wrote, “Hi guys, so, I will be deleting the post regarding the search for my brother because he has been found. Below (in the thread), I will provide details regarding what actually happened to him (when he had gone missing).”

“The purpose of my Tweet is not to blame any parties but to seek justice for my brother.”


Here’s what happened.

Her brother was on his way home from work when he had gone missing, it turns out that during that time, he was approached by 2 people believed to be AADK personnel. When the personnel approached Syaida’s brother, they asked him for his Identity Card (IC).

“Mind you, they did not introduce themselves, and they were dressed in casual clothing.”

The AADK personnel then apparently arrested Syaida’s brother.

Syaida 2

“My brother was injured in the hand while he struggled and he was put in a van. He was taken to the AADK lockup in Cheras. While there, they did not let him contact his family, he was placed in a cell with (drug) addicts,”

“This morning (June 12), when his urine was found to be clear, they released my brother along with 4 other individuals that they had randomly arrested,” she explained.


After doing some research, Syaida found that the AADK personnel allegedly did not follow their SOPs. 

“This act, for me, is very cruel because it causes worry among the family members. It is best to give flexibility to inform the family. When it happens like this, the family does not know who and where to look,”

“Maybe you guys can suggest what we can do to report this incident to the authorities. My brother suffered trauma and AADK clearly violated their SOPs (by not informing the family),” she said.

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On top of that, the AADK personnel only identified themselves to Syaida’s brother after they started arresting him and apparently chose to arrest him because they felt he ‘looked suspicious’.

“To add, they only introduced themselves when my brother was handcuffed. Too late to do anything at that time. My brother panicked and was afraid because he thought they were thieves who suddenly approached him, that’s why he wanted to run,”

“They gave their reason to arrest my brother because he looked suspicious. Like??? That’s the time when people want to get home after work.”


We genuinely hope that the authorities can clarify this matter and provide justice for Syaida’s brother.

You can check out Syaida’s post here.

What do you think about this? Do feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section.


Also read: Kuantan Car Thief Arrested, Victim Inside the Car Shares Details About the Terrifying Experience

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