How much more can a teacher do?
If you think online learning is only hard for the students, just know that the teachers are struggling as well. What with figuring out new technology and handling students who refuse to join their online classes, suffice to say teachers have their plates full.
With all their responsibilities, you’d expect parents to do the bare minimum to ready their kids for classes. However, it seems as if this parent expected the teacher to wake their 13-year-old child for classes all for the excuse that they “pay the teacher’s salary”. Facebook user Olivia Law posted the interaction between this parent and the teacher who seemed like they have had enough!
Angry father: Why didn’t you wake your student for the online class? Why do I even pay the student fees?
Teacher: Hi, can I know if your kid has any trouble waking up for the online class?
Angry father: I asked my kid, she said she overslept. So, should I be waking her up myself? If I do so, does that mean I don’t have to pay school fees?
Teacher: Excuse me, during these tough times with the kids at home attending online classes, it’s very hard for the teacher to be by their side looking after them. Besides the usual phone communication, we’ll require the kids to be self-disciplined.
Angry father: If I, as a parent, and my kid needs to be self-disciplined, then what’s the use of the teacher? What for I pay school fees? Please reply! Don’t act like nothing’s wrong. Don’t the parents have to work?
Teacher: Sorry. I know you’re very busy but I believe you’re aware of your kid’s issue of waking up for class, but at this time, your kid doesn’t stay at a dorm, so the teacher is not able to personally wake her up for class. Hence, we depend on them to be self-disciplined.
Of course, I don’t mean the responsibility should be pushed to you either. I just understand that your kid is facing this problem. That’s why I hope you can assist in helping your child. Of course, on my side, I will also be keeping an eye every day on who’s attending class and help wake the child up.

For illustration purposes only.
Despite the teacher’s thorough explanation, the father still refused to accept her reasoning citing that if the kids need self-discipline, is it okay if the teachers don’t receive their salary. “If the school can’t do their work properly, please refund the money to me,” he said.
“If you’re still unsatisfied, you can contact the school because my job is to educate them with knowledge, not their life habits. Thank you!”
At this point, other parents in the Whatsapp group started defending the teacher and one even said if the kid can’t wake up, simply buy a few alarm clocks and the kid will definitely wake up. Despite this, the father refused to give up and even went as far as to say that the teacher has no difference between a government school teacher and just takes salary blindly. (The teacher is from a private school.)

For illustration purposes only.
“What useless people! I hired a staff (indicating the teacher), but this person can’t solve the boss’ problems, in fact, they just make it worse.”
The other parents then continued to berate the angry father by pointing out that he doesn’t pay the teacher, the school does. They even pointed out that the student is already 13-years-old and should be independent to wake up by herself.
Online teachers, share the experiences you’ve had with entitled parents! Let us know what you think in the comments section.
Also read: “Please hear our voices!” Teacher Calls Out MOE For Unrealistic Online Teaching Schedule