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WHO: Covid-19 No Longer Declared as a Global Health Emergency But Remains as a Threat


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Source: AFP Photo & The Straits Times

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Despite rumours of the spread of a new Covid-19 variant, it seems that globally, the risk that the Covid-19 virus once brought about has greatly been diminished.

According to a statement by the World Health Organization (WHO), Covid-19 no longer represents a “global health emergency”.

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In a report, Head of the WHO, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that this represents a major step towards ending the pandemic and comes 3 years after it first declared its highest level of alert over the virus.

“Yesterday, the Emergency Committee met for the 15th time and recommended to me that I declare an end to the public health emergency of international concern. I’ve accepted that advice. It is therefore with great hope that I declare Covid-19 over as a global health emergency.”

According to officials, the virus’ death rate had dropped from a peak of more than 100,000 people per week in January 2021 to just over 3,500 on 24 April.

Tedros said at least seven million people died in the pandemic but claimed that the true figure was “likely” closer to 20 million deaths.

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Despite the announcement, Tedros warned that the virus remained a significant threat and added that the decision had been considered carefully for some time and made on the basis of careful analysis of data.

He warned the removal of the highest level of alert did not mean the danger was over and said the emergency status could be reinstated if the situation changed.

“The worst thing any country can do now is to use this news as a reason to let down its guard, to dismantle the systems it has built, or to send the message to its people that Covid-19 is nothing to worry about.”

It will now be up to individual countries to continue to manage Covid in the way they think best.

“This virus is here to stay, and all countries will need to learn to manage it alongside other infectious diseases,” he said.


Stay tuned for more updates.


Also read: MOH Planning to Make Face Masks Mandatory in Schools Again Due to Spread of New Covid-19 Variant

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Source: AFP Photo

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