No matter if you’re married, in a relationship or single, you have definitely heard this dreaded phrase, “What do you want to eat later/now?”
It has become such an important yet despised question in our daily life that there are spinning wheels/dice that were invited just for this purpose.
To help out a little, Family Mart Malaysia has also done their part by posting a Girlfriend/Boyfriend menu on its social media accounts.
How it works is that once a person asks their significant other the question, the response they give is already attached to a food item.
So if a man asks his girlfriend what she wants for dinner and she says, “I don’t know leh”, then Family Mart recommends their corn sausage.
There are 3 other responses on the menu ranging from “anything je” to “you decide la”.
Some netizens were so amused that they even asked if they could make their Family Mart orders by saying the phrase.

Many others shared their relationship struggles in this aspect as well.

This might not really help with a couple’s dinner choice as it is quite limited but we do think that it can certainly help narrow down the selections!