Today (11th October 2019), we witnessed the #Belanjawan2020 which was presented by our Finance Minister, Lim Guan Eng and quite honestly, we were very impressed with Lim’s ability to speak for a very long time – approximately two-and-a-half hours by our count. Even I got tired… for him. Phew!
But, you know who else got tired (for) Lim Guan Eng? Yep, the opposition parties.

Source: The Star
In a short clip which was shared by Hannah Yeah (Segambut MP) via Twitter, we saw that half-way through the presentation of Budget 2020, most of the opposition parties MP(s) weren’t in the hall anymore. Her tweet was accompanied by a caption which read,
“The #Belanjawan2020 is not even finished yet but half of UMNO and PAS’ members have left the Dewan.”
You can watch her tweet and video clip below:
Sebelum pembentangan #Belanjawan2020 selesai, sesetengah Ahli Parlimen UMNO dan PAS sudah tak ada di dalam Dewan ??
— Hannah Yeoh (@hannahyeoh) October 11, 2019
Today, before the commencement of the Budget 2020 reading, the opposition MPs all arrived clad in white garments and Opposition chief Datuk Seri Ismail Yaakob said that it was simply a coincidence that they ended up wearing white. Plausible. I mean, we all tend to twin with our friends unexpectedly, right?
Having said that, we don’t know for sure why have the Opposition MPs left the Dewan before even the #Budget2020 was completed. Perhaps, they needed a bathroom break? What say you? Fire away in the comments below!
Also read: Budget 2020: At Least 18% Toll Discounts On All PLUS Highways Starting Next Year