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WATCH: Monkey In Bali Holds Woman’s Phone Hostage, Exchanges It For Fruits


Monkey Fruit Phone
Source: Instagram

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We all know that humans are just evolved monkeys so it’s really a no-brainer that monkeys are adaptable and smart.

Recently, a video of monkeys in Bali had gone viral over how smart the monkey is to get their way.

In a video posted by Foodporn on Instagram, we see a woman in white and a monkey on a wall/cliff area.

The monkey is seen holding an iPhone close to its body while the woman in white seems exasperated.

Bali Monkey Snatch 3

Bali Monkey Snatch 2

At first, she pulled out a bag of what seemed to be sunflower seeds but the monkey was disinterested and was probably waiting for the woman to give a better offer.

Later on, the woman pulled out a fruit from her bag and the monkey immediately took the fruit. However, it was not satisfied with just one fruit and only returned the phone when the woman handed over a second fruit.

Bali Monkey Snatch 4

Bali Monkey Snatch 1

Onlookers were saying that the monkey had snatched the phone from the woman’s hands.

So stealing and holding an object hostage to get food in exchange seems to be the monkey’s modus operandi.

Some netizens found it hilarious but others shared that this has happened to them as well.

Monkey Phone 2

Monkey Phone

In most cases, it’s always best to not interact with or give food to the monkeys as they are very intelligent creatures and there will be long-term consequences for the local communities.


Also read: Proboscis Monkey Hitches Ride on Fishing Boat in Sarawak, Jumps Before Reaching Destination

Feat Image Monkey Jump

Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram
Source: Instagram

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