Needless to say, we Malaysians love visiting a good pub or bar for drinks (and food). Whether you’re there for the ambience, good company, or simply to enjoy a cold glass of Guinness Draught on tap, there’s something for everyone. But what happens when you want to avoid large crowds and just stay at home? I don’t want to feel left out leh! Well, how about setting up your very own home bar and becoming your own bartender!
“Sounds great but some drinks just taste better at the bar la!” O, ye of little faith, we have just the perfect solution for you that will make you feel like you never even left the bar.
Want a drink that brings the pub experience to your home? Then Guinness Draught in a Can is just the thing for you!
“Interesting… Tell us more about this new innovation by Guinness.”
You see, dear reader, Guinness is committed to sparking magical moments with their drinks, be it at an establishment like the local pub or right at home in your living room! So they figured out a way for their avid drinkers to create new meaningful moments with Guinness outside of the pub.
Hence, the creation of Guinness Draught in a Can, which offers the same experience of draught poured straight from the tap! Now, you can enjoy that smooth and creamy taste of Guinness anywhere, including at home!
But how exactly will Guinness Draught in a Can bring the pub experience to your home?
Another good question, aspiring bartender! But first, to truly understand how this works, you need to get schooled on what makes Guinness Draught in a Can so unique. The “secret recipe” for Guinness Draught in a Can is none other than the process of nitrogenisation.
Using a masterful pairing of nitrogen and carbon dioxide, Guinness creates the perfect stout that is smooth and creamy with an added velvety texture! But how on Earth could Guinness serve this draught in a can when it’s typically poured in the pub through a tap? Why, by using a white nitrogen ball, of course!
“A white nitrogen ball? You mean… like a ping pong ball?”

This nitrogen ball actually functions as a widget in the can; a plastic moulded device that sits on the top of each Guinness Draught in a Can.
Once the can is opened, the small widget forces out a small amount of beer and nitrogen that was trapped in it through the rest of the beer in the can. This creates the famous surge and creamy head that you would otherwise only experience through a pint of Guinness Draught served in a pub.
Using this combination of chemical reactions and innovative product design, Guinness Draught in a Can allows avid beer drinkers everywhere to enjoy the wonderfully smooth and creamy beer that Guinness has become so famous for.
“That sounds perfect for my home bar! But how should I store and drink it?”

Craving for a good old creamy Guinness stout, are you? Well, so are we! Now, first thing’s first: Guinness Draught in a Can should be chilled for 24 hours before serving. (Don’t just take our word for it. That’s what it says on their website!)
Then, get a clean pint glass for you to pour it in (bonus points if it’s a Guinness pint glass ?). Then, follow these steps to get the best out of your Guinness Draught in a Can experience:
- Open your chilled can (Widget technology will release nitrogen gas)
- Pour slowly at 45° and allow Guinness to surge and settle
- Enjoy your smooth and creamy Guinness
And contrary to what some drinkers may believe, no, you don’t need to shake the can first. This is Guinness Draught in a Can; not a can of spray paint!
So, what are you waiting for, guys? Get yourselves the all-new Guinness Draught in a Can, now available for purchase at selected 7-Eleven and premium grocers across Peninsular Malaysia! Too lazy to leave your home? Then you can also order them online via and have them delivered straight to your home!
For more info, visit Guinness’ social media pages on Facebook and Instagram!
Remember, Guinness Draught in a Can is for non-Muslims over the age of 21 years old ONLY! And always, ALWAYS drink responsibly, alright? That means no driving after you drink!