While the coronavirus outbreak has given rise to an overwhelming awareness regarding health practices many greedy people have taken advantage of these trying times to cheat people. Somehow, these scammers just look at the sufferings of people and all they can think is a way to profit from this situation.
Everyone seems to be going around with a mask nowadays as protection from the deadly virus. This has lead to a massive shortage of masks everywhere. While there were reports of shopkeepers selling these masks at exorbitant prices, what this Vietnamese company did took it to a whole new level. Viet Han Company Ltd is a company from Hanoi that’s registered as a napkin and printer company but due to severe mask shortages, they have switched to mask production.

Source: YouTube
BUT, when the authorities checked out the place, it turned out that that this company was making their masks from toilet paper instead of the required antibacterial layer!

Source: YouTube
A YouTube video posted by a Vietnamese news channel showed how easily the mask could tear and dissolve in water and the company had already made 140,000 of these fake masks ready to be sold to the public. Needless to say, the stocks have since been confiscated and this company will definitely be facing the highest possible penalty for such an offense. The head of the team who checked out the place told that these type of companies are cheating consumers amid the coronavirus outbreak.
Watch the video here:
It’s just sickening to see these greedy people ready to take advantage of this situation. If these masks were actually sold to the public, the people who bought it would have thought their safety was assured but they were just using flimsy toilet paper.
Also read: WARNING: Using Masks That Have Just Been Freshly Produced May Put Your Health At Risk